Home page
GTC and legal
GTC and legal
Services provided by BKW
(PDF, 76 kB)
Project services
(PDF, 83 kB)
(PDF, 80 kB)
GTC Energy Business
(PDF, 77 kB)
GTC «Supply of electrical energy outside of basic supply»
(PDF, 72 kB)
Terms of Use BKW Customer Centre
Terms of Use BKW Online Customer Centre
(PDF, 66 kB)
Procurement Switzerland
Procurement Policy of the BKW Group
(PDF, 1.5 MB)
Code of Conduct for Suppliers of the BKW Group
(PDF, 533 kB)
GTC Glossary
(PDF, 117 kB)
Purchase of equipement and technical services
(PDF, 111 kB)
Purchase of Goods
(PDF, 114 kB)
Purchase of Services
(PDF, 92 kB)
IT Procurement
(PDF, 101 kB)
Staff recruitment on a contingency basis
(PDF, 82 kB)
Procurement international
Procurement Policy of the BKW Group
(PDF, 1.5 MB)
Code of Conduct for Suppliers of the BKW Group
(PDF, 533 kB)
GTC Glossary
(PDF, 117 kB)
Procurement in Germany
(PDF, 136 kB)
Procurement of services in Germany
(PDF, 98 kB)
Procurement of goods in Germany
(PDF, 98 kB)